Christopher Pleasanton, Science
Christopher Pleasanton, Science
Phone: (302) 645-7795
Materials Necessary for Class - In order to be prepared for class each day, students will need to bring their charged i-pad and a working pen or pencil. A binder with loose leaf paper is also needed for keeping notes and handouts.
Grading - Grades will be based on formative (40%) and summative (60%) assessments. Assessments will include reading and writing about the topics covered that week and throughout the unit. The grade scale is as follows: A (90-100) B (80-89) C (70-79) D (60-69) F (59 or less)
Expectations - Please make sure you are aware of all school and district policies, as they will be in effect in the classroom. In addition to those policies, the classroom expectations are as follows:
- RESPECT - Yourself, others, and your school!
- INTEGRITY - Be an honest and trustworthy person at all times!
- SELFLESSNESS - Help others, help your school community, be a friend!
- EXCELLENCE - Every day, in all you do! Do your best!
Classroom Discipline - Occasionally students will not meet the expectations of the district, school, or classroom. Students are expected to take leadership and responsibility in their behavior and in cases where expectations are not met. An information sheet with our classroom process will be given out separately.
Late Work Policy - If students have an excused absence, then they have the same number of days to make up the assignment as days missed with no penalty. Students who turn in unexcused late work are subject to a 10% penalty for each day late. Example: - 20% for 2 days late; - 30% for 3 days late; if longer than 4 days late , then the best score a student can get is a 60% for that assignment.
Academic Dishonesty Policy - Cheating is copying someone else’s work and passing it off as your own, or Complicity (Assisting or attempting to help another student commit academic dishonesty). Students engaged in academic dishonesty will receive a 0 on the assignment and parent notification. You can help explain what to do with another student or show them what to do to be successful, but you cannot just simply let them copy your work, written responses, tests, essays, etc.. This does not include co-operative group or partner work answers specified by the teacher.